Understanding Legal TermsUnderstanding Legal Terms

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Understanding Legal Terms

When it comes to mastering different jargon, legal terms can be just as long as they are confusing. Fortunately, understanding all of those legal terms doesn't have to be frustrating. I wanted to create an easy-to-read blog all about understanding legal terms and the legal process in general. After all, you never know when you will be called upon to face the court, which is why it is important to do what you can to understand the terminology. Check out this blog for great information that could help you along the way. You won't regret it, but if you don't know your stuff, you might not be prepared someday when you need it.


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When Enhancements Escalate Your DUI

A simple driving under the influence (DUI) charge can escalate quite rapidly when a child or other accompanying issues are involved. Unfortunately, not everyone who is arrested on a DUI charge is actually guilty of it. Read on to find out more about the enhanced punishments you could face when your arrest was more complicated.

Not a Simple DUI

Almost all DUI arrests are already complicated enough. To fight against a DUI charge, every aspect of the roadside stop, including the field sobriety tests and the arrest, must be scrutinized for legality. In the case of the below situations, the need for fighting your charges is even greater. The below enhancements can create a complicated case, and being convicted can lead to extremely serious punishments.

Typical DUI Enhancements

Any of the below can result in higher fines, jail or prison time, longer probation periods, more restrictions on your driver's license, and more.

  1. An accident that occurs in connection to your DUI arrest can bring additional charges and things can get even more serious if the other occupants were injured or killed. You can be charged with vehicular homicide or murder in some cases. Additionally, if you were drunk at the time of an accident, you could be sued by the other driver in civil court. The financial judgment could mean wage garnishment and liens on your property. Finally, you might be ordered by the criminal court system to pay victim restitution to the other occupants and passengers.
  2. Resisting arrest is not always what many think. Resisting arrest doesn't necessarily mean fighting with the officers at the scene. It can be anything from cursing at the officers to arguing with them at the scene. If you were intoxicated, the effect of the alcohol on your ability to comply with law enforcement instructions will be no excuse for bad behavior.
  3. Fleeing from law enforcement doesn't always involve a high-speed chase. If you are too drunk to notice the blue lights behind you and fail to pull over, you could be charged with an additional crime.
  4. Reckless driving charges can be added onto to a DUI if your driving was particularly dangerous to others on the road.
  5. Child endangerment is an additional charge if a minor-aged child was present in your vehicle when you were charged with DUI. Children are widely considered to be innocent victims of an adult's bad behavior and the charges can be serious. Needless to say, it can also affect child custody for a parent.

As you can see, a simple DUI can get complicated in some cases. Speak to a DUI defense attorney that works with DUI clients as soon as possible.